
The Firemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago provides for the present and future benefit payments for all retired and active firefighter participants and their beneficiaries.

Retirement Board

The Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago is administered by a Board of Trustees called the Retirement Board. It is composed of eight members: four Ex-Officio; the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Comptroller and Deputy Fire Commissioner, and four persons who must be participants in the Fund; three active and one retired. The City Treasurer, with the prior approval of the board, may appoint a designee (proxy) from among employees of the city who is versed in the affairs of the City Treasurer's office to act in the absence of the city treasurer on all matters pertaining to administering the provisions of this Article.

The Board shall conduct regular elections annually, at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the term of the active fireman member of the board whose term next expires, for the election of a successor for a term of 3 years. The Board also shall conduct regular elections, at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the term of the member who is a pensioner of any pension fund formerly in effect in such city or an annuitant of the annuity and benefit fund herein provided, for the election of a successor to such member for a term of 3 years.

In accordance with 40 ILCS Act 5, Article 6-174 and 175, election(s) will be held to fill the offices of Active Firefighter Member and Annuitant Member Trustee(s) of The Retirement Board.  Respective positions become vacant December 1, annually by reason of the expiration of the term of a present incumbent. 

Notice of Elections to the Board

As required by the Illinois Pension Code, 40 ILCS Act 5 Article 6, the Firemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago (the “Fund”) conducts elections for the offices of Active Firefighter Member Trustee and Annuitant Member Trustee. These elections are held in anticipation of the December 1 expiration of trustee terms as indicated in 40 ILCS Act 5 Article 6-175. Special Elections will also be conducted, if necessary, because of a vacancy in any Member Trustee position. Notice of Current Election(s)

Current Elected and Ex-Officio Trustees

The Firemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago is administered by a Board of Trustees called the Retirement Board. It is composed of eight members: four ex-officios; the City Treasurer, City Clerk, City Comptroller and Deputy Fire Commissioner, and four persons who must be participants in the Fund; three active and one retired.

The Retirement Board elects one of its own members as President, one as Secretary and one as Vice-President. The Retirement Board is required by law to hold regular meetings each month. These meetings are generally held the third Wednesday of each month. The meetings are open to the public.

Daniel Fortuna

Daniel Fortuna
Fund President

Anna Valencia

Anna Valencia
Vice President
Clerk of the City of Chicago


Zachary Pentek

Zachary Pentek
Fund Secretary

Mary Sheridan

Mary Sheridan
First Deputy Fire Commissioner

Joel Flores

Joel Flores
Comptroller of the City of Chicago

Melissa Conyears-Ervin

Melissa Conyears-Ervin
City of Chicago Treasurer

Joe Senorski

Joe Senorski
Active Trustee

Michael Flisk

Michael Flisk
Active Trustee

Senior Staff

Kelly Weller
Executive Director

Jaclyn Vlahos

Lori Lund
Deputy Executive Director

Lorna Scott
Chief Investment Officer

Chris Morales
IT Manager


The Illinois Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) is intended to ensure that members of the public have access to information about their government and its decision-making process. It requires all public bodies, including the FABF, to make its public records available for inspection and copying. Under FOIA, all records of a public body are presumed to be open for inspection and copying. However, FOIA also permits certain records to be withheld from inspection. For more information regarding FOIA and current exemptions, please review the Illinois Freedom of Information Act at 5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.

In accordance with FOIA, there is no fee for records that are sent electronically. The first fifty (50) pages of black and white, letter or legal-sized paper copies, are provided free of charge and then are $0.15 per page. FABF reserves the right to charge for the reproduction of color copies, copies that are not letter or legal-sized, and shipping expenses in accordance with FOIA.

FOIA requests may be submitted to foia@fabf.org. Please indicate whether the request is for commercial or for non-commercial purposes. Undesignated requests are assumed to be for commercial intent and are responded to accordingly. When seeking records pursuant to FOIA, please be as specific as possible in order to assist FABF in fulfilling your request. FOIA is designed to allow a member of the public to inspect or receive copies of records. It is not designed to require the FABF to answer questions about a particular record.

Illinois Pension Code

In each Illinois city of more than 500,000 inhabitants, a firemen's annuity and benefit fund shall, by law, be created, set apart, and maintained, for the benefit of its firemen, their widows, children and parents, and of all contributors to, participants in, and beneficiaries of any firemen's pension fund in operation. The Retirement Board of the Firemen’s Annuity & Benefit Fund of Chicago became effective July 1, 1931.

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