FABF Website Admin / Tuesday, August 27, 2024 / Categories: News & Events Casino Revenue With the opening of Chicago's casino in September 2023, the Fund has been receiving monthly tax revenues required to be paid pursuant to PA 99-506 and 230 ILCS 10/13 (the "Gaming Legislation"). The Gaming Legislation provides in part that a portion of the proceeds received by the city in relation to the operation of a casino or casinos within the city shall be expended by the city for payment to the Firemen's Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago to satisfy the city contribution obligation in any year. The same provision applies in terms of payments by the city from casino generated revenues to the Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago. Through August of this year the Fund has received $2.3M from this revenue source. The Gaming Legislation does not provide for additional funding, but rather offsets the amount received from property and other tax sources. Annual Contribution Statements EMWQ Thank You Print 301